As per government, and public health authorities masks are mandatory upon entering QH and must be worn at all times within the facility. Masks are not required for players while on the ice but must be worn immediately after.
We have adapted special measures like; disinfecting all common surfaces regularly throughout the day to ensure the health and safety of all our customers. We ask that you respect a 2m distance between yourself and others.
The safety of our customers and staff are at the forefront of our priorities therefore if you are newly experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please stay at home to help us mitigate the risk of infecting others.
Despite the measures we have adapted to limit the risk, please note that Covid-19 is highly contagious and exists in public places, therefore please note that by entering our facility you assume all risk of contracting Covid-19 or any other virus.